Yet another simple tutorial from Hunter-Killer. In this
edition we will add a Matrix like trail effect to shotgun and
machinegun bullets. Open cg_weapons.c in cgame and go to line 1535.
It should look like this:
//FIXME: should probably move this cruft into
CG_BubbleTrail if ( sourceContentType == destContentType )
{ if ( sourceContentType & CONTENTS_WATER )
{ CG_BubbleTrail( start, tr.endpos, 32 ); } } else if (
sourceContentType & CONTENTS_WATER ) { trace_t
trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, end, start, NULL, NULL,
0, CONTENTS_WATER ); CG_BubbleTrail( start, trace.endpos, 32
); } else if ( destContentType & CONTENTS_WATER )
{ trace_t trace;
trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, start, end,
NULL, NULL, 0, CONTENTS_WATER ); CG_BubbleTrail( tr.endpos,
trace.endpos, 32 ); }
All we need to do is comment out
the if's and call this regardless of contents. Change it to look
like this:
- // FIXME: should probably
move this cruft into CG_BubbleTrail
if ( sourceContentType ==
destContentType ) { if ( sourceContentType & CONTENTS_WATER
) {
- */
- CG_BubbleTrail( start,
tr.endpos, 32 );
- /*
- }
} else if (
sourceContentType & CONTENTS_WATER ) { trace_t
trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, end, start, NULL,
NULL, 0, CONTENTS_WATER ); CG_BubbleTrail( start, trace.endpos,
32 ); } else if ( destContentType & CONTENTS_WATER )
{ trace_t trace;
trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, start,
end, NULL, NULL, 0, CONTENTS_WATER ); CG_BubbleTrail(
tr.endpos, trace.endpos, 32 ); }
- */
There you go. It should look
something like this: (note: I'm strafing to show the full

Created By: Hunter-Killer of Quick Phrag