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This tut shows how to show team mates stats when your crosshair moves over them in the game.

Open up cg_draw.c and go to line 1988 up under
float w;
and add
char *teamstat;
Then find:
name = cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].name;
w = CG_DrawStrlen( name ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH;
CG_DrawBigString( 320 - w / 2, 170, name, color[3] * 0.5 );

And add directly up under it:

if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.crosshairClientNum].health){
 teamstat = va("Health: %i Armor: %i",
 	cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].health,
 	cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].armor);
 w = CG_DrawStrlen( teamstat ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH;
 CG_DrawSmallString( 320 - w / 2, 190, teamstat, color[3] * 0.5 );

I spend my time programming and writing these tutorials, so please feel free to use this code in your mod as long as and the author receive credit.

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