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quake 3 bot - from scratch i need help in bot programming | |
• quake 3 bot - from scratch
I need help regarding an AI project I have taken up on programming a bot (AI based) for quake 3. could someone please indicate the how to either create a bot from scratch or edit an existing open source bot (which i have not found yet, if you know of any please let me know) to incorporate AI. I basically need to know the internals of the bots like movement shooting algos etc and how i can do it myself for my project. |
• Yep, Mr. John Laird have the answer!
Hello, I Posted this link many times ago, but, he is one of the most popular AI designer to use game to test AI. so: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/laird/gamesresearch.html check his papers on AI engines and AI with Quake2 bots. Check also the SOAR project and the documentation of vers 8 + the advanced technical paper. So, good luck, Salutations, Fred |
• Quake 3 specific coding
Hi, Thanks again for the AI info, |
• Q3 bot info
You'll find most of what you need about the Quake3 bots here: You are limited (to the C scripts) in changing the default bot AI. You can however hook any dll into the engine if you really want to. William |
• Re quake 3 docs
Have you find any docs on Quake 3 bots programming. I am developping one too. The above link does not seem to work :-( Staan |
• Q3 Bot Shortage
There are not that many bots for Quake3, as the default bots are very good. I know of some that are closed source, but not many open ones. The link above describes the theory behind the Q3 bot (which you don't have access to), and not implementation issues. I recommend sticking to Quake 2 for bot development! More about that very soon... promise ;) |