Q3 Coding
Understanding Bits & #

Date : 24/01/99
Author(s) : Wilka
Skill(s) : N/A
Source Project(s) : N/A
Revision : 1.0


This was going to be another tutorial showing how to do stuff with the Quake3 code. But I've had a lot of questions about the flags that q3 uses to determine if something is enabled or not, and a lot of people seem confused by statements like if(tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT). This is a simple bit wise operation, and this kind of thing is used a lot in the Quake3 code. If you don't understand how it works, hopefully you will when you read this. The surfaceFlags member of the tr struct is a normal int and because an int is 32bits, using bit wise operations you can use an int as 32 Boolean variables. You might be wondering why you would want to go through the trouble of use bit wise operations when you can use 32 qbool variables instead. The biggest advantage for Quake3 is that an int, depend on the compiler/cpu, can take the same amount of memory as a bool (32 bits - for speed reasons). So if you want to send 32 qbool's over a network, you might need to send as much as 1024 bits. But if you use an int, it only task 32 bits to send the same amount of info. So doing it this way makes the best use of available bandwidth. Also, because of the same reasons, an int uses less memory that 32 qbool's. Using a single flag int also helps keep all related info together. So overall it's a better way of doing it. The only downside is it can be a little confusing.

The three main operators you'll use when doing bit operations are |, & and ~. If you have any experience with logic gates (specially OR, AND and NOT), this should be pretty familiar to you. Because a computer needs to store data in binary format, everything is nothing but a group of 1's and 0's. In this case, an int, is 32 of these 'bits'. So you need to think in binary when working with bits. If you where to store the value '1' inside of an int, the computer would store it as 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 (it's common practice to have binary numbers in groups of 4, like the way you use a "," in normal (decimal) numbers). So the only bit set in this int is the 1st bit (we go from right to left when counting the bits). The 2nd bit has a value of '2', the 3rd bit is '4', the 4th is '8', etc.. each time you move to the right the value of the bit doubles. To make it easier for you, instead of having to remember that bit 9 has a value of 512, you can use the bit shift operators "<<" and ">>". These will move the number on the left along the row of bits in the direction they point. The number on the right is the number of times to shift-the-bits. So "1 << 5" means move '1' to the left 5 times. Since one is "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001" this will give the result "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000". The >> works the same, but moves the number to the left. >> isn't used much in the Q3 code, so we wont bother with it much here either. You can also Hexadecimal numbers, with Hexadecimal (or Hex for short) each column has a max value of 15. We use F to represent 15, since we can't use an extra column. So Hex goes from 0 to F and 9+1 = A. 128 in hex is 80 (that's zero 1's and eight 16's - 8x16 = 128). In C we need to put 0x in front of a hex number, so the the compiler knows where' using hex instead of decimal. So if you see "#define SURF_NODRAW 0x80", you know it means the same as "#define SURF_NODRAW 128". Working in hex can make it easier with big numbers, but if your not comfortable with it you can use (1 << 15) for defining you bit flags. If you want some more info on the way that hex & binary work, you should have a look here.

Now back to those &, | and ~ things. & is a bit wise and, which means only set bit X to one in the result if bit X is one on both side of the &. So that means (0001 & 0001) would return 0001, since the 1st bit is one in both numbers. (0010 & 0001) would return 0000, because there are not bits that are 1 in both numbers. (0101 & 0110) would return 0100, because the 3rd bit is the only one that is 1 in both numbers. So lets say we have an int called surfaceFlags that has a value of 19. In binary that would look like "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0011", bit 1, 2 and 5 are the only ones that are set (i.e. 'on' or '1'). Then we might have another number called SURF_NOIMPACT, which has a value of 16. In binary that is "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000". This number only has one bit set, the 5th bit, this is so we can check if this flag is set by using &. If we use & on both of these numbers, we'll get the answer 0000 0000 0000 0000 "0000 0000 0001 0000" because bit 5 is the only one that is set in both numbers. You can see this better if use columns, like this :

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0011 &
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000

If we want to check for the SURF_NOIMPACT bit in a program, we would do this :

if( (surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT) == SURF_NOIMPACT )

If the SURF_NOIMPACT bit is set, the & operator will return SURF_NOIMPACT if not, it'll return 0. So we use == to check if it returns the value we're looking for. In C, 0 means false and any other number means true (including negative numbers, like -1). So if we wanted we could miss of the "== SURF_NOIMPACT" part and it would still mean the same thing. You should use "== SURF_IMPACT" if it makes it easier for you to understand, but it's not required.

The | operator is similar to &, but each bit in the result will be 1 if either of the numbers have that bit set. For example):

0100 1000 |
0000 1010

0100 1010

I'm using 8 bits here to save on typing, but it still works the same for any number of bits. The | operator isn't much use inside of an if statement, because it would be true unless both side of the | are 0. and we could use == for that, which would make our code more readable. But what | is good for is settings bits to 1. As you can see from the above example, using | sets all the bits that are set in both inputs. So if we do "surfaceFlags = surfaceFlags | SURF_NOIMPACT", it would set the SURF_NOIMPACT bit to 1. It doesn't matter if it is already one or not, it will asways get set to 1 after we use this statement. Like the + and - operators, we can use an = with the | to save us some typing. Whereas i+=1 would add 1 to i, "surfaceFlags |= SURF_NOIMPACT" will OR surfaceFlags with SURF_NOIMPACT, giving the same effect as the last bit of code. So to set a bit you use |=, and to check if a bit is set you use &.

The only thing we need to know now is how to unset a bit. For that we use the ~ operator (bit-wise not). ~ only works on one number, the number to the right of it. What it does is invert the bits, so all the 1's become 0's and all the 0's become 1's. So "~0001" is the same as "1110". Once we have the opposite of the bit we want off, we & it to turn it off. Like this :

0000 1000 ~ 
1111 0111

1111 0111 &
0100 1010

0100 0010

So to set the SURF_NOIMPACT to bit to 0 in our surfaceExample, we do this "surfaceExample = surfaceExample & ~SURF_NOIMPACT". As with the | operator, you use a shortcut like this "surfaceExample &= ~SURF_NOIMPACT". So hopefully now things like "if ( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT )" will make sense to you.

#define, #if, #else, etc

Another thing that a people seem confused about is what "#define" actually does. Some people think of it as "const int" or "cosnt float", but that's not exactly true. As will all the commands that start with #, they are commands for the compiler. You can probably tell what #include does from the way it's used. When the compiler sees a #include command, it replaces that command with the contents of the file. As if you had pasted the contents of one file into another. Using a similar analogy, the #define command works a lot like the Find & Replace command you have in your word processor. When the compiler sees "#define X 10", it searches the file and replaces each occurrence of "X" with "10". It doesn't replace any X's that are part of a string, so printf("X is %d", X) will work the way you want it too. As with the #include command, #define doesn't change your source file. The find & replace only happens on the copy of the file that the compiler has in it's memory. Using #define for your constant values saves you from manually going through your file and changing each instance of your constant by hand. It also lets you using meaningfull names instead of obscure numbes. "if ( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT )", makes a lot more sense than "if ( tr.surfaceFlags & 0x10)". 

But I said #define is almost the same as find & replace. That's because #define can take parameters. So you could do somthing like

#define greet(s) printf("Hello %s\n", s)


When the compiler sees this, it will replace greet("Wilka") with printf("Hello %s\n", "Wilka"). There isn't much of a point in this #define (also know as macros), as it doesn't help very much. But if you look in q_shard.h, you'll see that id have used macros for most of the vector commands. If they didn't do this, it would have been much more awkward to copy one vector to another. 

Another commonly used # command is #if. Like the normal if command in, #if is used to only do something if a condition is true. But unlike the C if command, #if is used to optionally compile sections of code. You use #endif to close you #if, and you can use #else to compile a different section of code if the #if is false. So with this block of code

#if 1

only the printf("hello\n"); command will be compiled, the printf("Goodbye\n"); will be missed out. A variation on the #if command is #ifdef, which is used to test if something is defined (via #define). So using #ifdef, you might see this kind of thing.

#ifdef WIN32
   char szSystem[] = {"Win32"};
   char szSytem[] = {"Unknown"};

szSytem will be created with a value of "Win32" if you have "#define WIN32" in your code, if you don't it will have a value of "Unknown". You can see a better example of this in q_shared.h in the Quake3 source. "#if defined" can also be used in the same way as "#ifdef", it's up to you which one you use. They both have the same effect.

Tutorial by Wilka
Wiretap Development
Wiretap HQ