"THE NOTES" : Chapter 2
HOWTO enable the Grappling Hook in the Quake 3 Source Code
By Matt Ownby (see end of this document for contact information)

1/15/99, 5:12 AM
Ok the Q3 source code was just released a few hours ago and I have had my eyes pouring over the contents ever since.  Fortunately, much of it is similar to Quake 2.  There is also a lot of new stuff.
As many of you know, the grappling hook was added into the code, but removed later in development.  Therefore, it is just a matter of patching the code a little bit to unlock the grappling hook for general use <evil grin>.  Here is a quick (very quick) tutorial on how to patch your source code to turn on the grappling hook.
NOTE: Due to my small modifications, line numbers will be different from the stock source.  All my modifications begin with "// start MATT" and "// end MATT".
g_client.c (part of the "game" DLL)
Go to about line 939
 client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_GAUNTLET );
 // start MATT
 client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_GRAPPLING_HOOK);
 // end MATT
 client->ps.ammo[WP_GAUNTLET] = -1;
 client->ps.ammo[WP_GRAPPLING_HOOK] = -1;
Go to about line 991
  // start MATT
  for ( i = WP_NUM_WEAPONS - 2 ; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
   // changed the -1 to a -2 so the grapple isn't selected by default
   // end MATT
   if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & ( 1 << i ) ) {
    client->ps.weapon = i;
ui_controls2.c (part of the "ui" DLL)
Go to about line 105
// start MATT
#define ID_WEAPON10  42  // grappling hook
// end MATT
Go to about line 170
 menuaction_s  bfg;
 // start MATT
 menuaction_s  hook;
 // end MATT
 menuaction_s  attack;
Go to about line 245
 {"weapon 9",  "BFG",    ID_WEAPON9,  ANIM_WEAPON9, '9',   -1,  -1, -1},
 // start MATT
 {"weapon 10",  "grappling hook", ID_WEAPON10, ANIM_WEAPON10, '0',   -1,  -1, -1},
 // stop MATT
 {"+attack",   "attack",   ID_ATTACK,  ANIM_ATTACK, K_CTRL,   -1,  -1, -1},
Go to about line 299
 (menucommon_s *)&s_controls.bfg,
 // start MATT
 (menucommon_s *)&s_controls.hook,
 // end MATT
Go to about line 1386
 s_controls.bfg.generic.type      = MTYPE_ACTION;
 s_controls.bfg.generic.callback  = Controls_ActionEvent;
 s_controls.bfg.generic.ownerdraw = Controls_DrawKeyBinding;
 s_controls.bfg.generic.id        = ID_WEAPON9;
 // start MATT
 s_controls.hook.generic.type      = MTYPE_ACTION;
 s_controls.hook.generic.callback  = Controls_ActionEvent;
 s_controls.hook.generic.ownerdraw = Controls_DrawKeyBinding;
 s_controls.hook.generic.id        = ID_WEAPON10;
 // end MATT
 s_controls.attack.generic.type     = MTYPE_ACTION;
 s_controls.attack.generic.flags     = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_GRAYED|QMF_HIDDEN;
 s_controls.attack.generic.callback  = Controls_ActionEvent;
 s_controls.attack.generic.ownerdraw = Controls_DrawKeyBinding;
 s_controls.attack.generic.id        = ID_ATTACK;
That's it!
And yes, this patch _does_ work for CTF (I tested it briefly).

Contact Information:
I can be found on irc.enterthegame.com in #JUN at all times, although sometimes I will obviously be away.  My nick is JB[JUN].
I am not going to post my email address on this page because I am sick of getting spam every day.
Here are other programming projects I am working on (you can get my email address from these pages hehe):
http://www.planetquake.com/bop  (look for the Quake 3 version soon muwahaha)